Providing a better communication experience for your radio listeners in taking advantage of On-Net Tariffing and helping the advertisers to reach the local audience.
Radio Station staff and Radio Jockeys (RJ’s) can quickly communicate using iRSMS with their local Radio audience. Using iRSMS listeners can communicate with their favourite Radio Station RJ’s by simply sending a text message. These can include song requests, shout outs, polls and quiz contests, etc.
Feature rich capability of iRSMS provides one-to-one interactive communication between the listener and the radio station RJ’s. The uses of the iRSMS are only limited by your imagination.
iRSMS will automatically tabulate the results, allowing RJ’s to view them in real time as they are texted in.
iRSMS enables Radio Station’s to innovatively offer it’s advertisers a new mobile media advertising channel as part of the Radio Station‘s advertising mix.
As part of the Radio Station’s advertising packages, give your advertiser’s the ability to retain the valuable customer information when they run campaigns on your station in response to an incentive heard on-air, listeners can text in your advertiser’s keywords to get more information or a chance to win a special prize. There is no other method of collecting such valuable, Opt-In subscriber data.
- Listeners can send their requests directly to the RJ’s on On-Net Tariffs;
- Listeners can participate in interactive campaigns and send their responses;
- Radio Stations can build profiled Opt-In database of Mobile Subscribers;
- Radio Stations can benefit by offering a new Mobile Media Advertising Channel as part of the advertising mix;