Telco Location Based Advertisement

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INFOCOMM’S Location Based Advertisement System

Product Information/Data Sheet

Product Description

INFOCOMM’S Location Based Advertisement System ( iLAS) provides Internet service providers with a content
management platform for organizing and selectively delivering advertising content to users depending on their
physical location and demographics.

Internet service providers use INFOCOMM’S iLAS to enhance their Internet services, turning it into a new marketing
medium that has additional user-location information which advertisers can use to promote and sell their products
and services.

With the INFOCOMM’S iLAS, ISPs can now tap into the lucrative stream of marketing revenue by leveraging on the
existing Internet services. At the same time the location based system capability enhances the end user’s experience by
giving them access to content that is more relevant, timely and useful.

iLAS uses WiFi Networks as a media for advertising through Wi-Fi Landing Page which is tool to manage and push
advertisement via public WiFi Networks. We bring them rich features to push advertisement to the user’s based on
demographics, categories, devices, locations and their browsing behavior.

Live SMS campaign can be added to send advertisement SMS to user based on user’s demographics, categories,
devices, locations and their browsing behavior in control manner , once, daily weekly and monthly,

Real time analytics, rich dashboard and reporting makes iLAS powerful tool that means more and more marketers are
leveraging location data to engage customers effectively to promote their businesses.


  • Web admin GUI for admin/advertisers to login to create campaign, SMS campaign, upload banners based on page advertisement space.
  • Role based admin access control allows the segregation of multiple administrator roles.
  • Functions for managing location and user profile groups allowing content to be categorized by location and user interest.
  • Live Advertisement auto-rotation based on location and user profile information. Advertiser can publish any type of banners and they will appear in end-users device exactly as they want.
  • Live SMS push based on location, user profile information and user browsing behavior.
  • Ability to manage advertising campaigns; by scheduling time periods during which specific advertisements are pushed to the user, enabling time and location sensitive marketing.
  • Campaign level Monthly, Daily reports leverage marketers to monetize more revenue. It has a high rate of engagement, views and a really high click through rate (CTR).
  • Real Time Survey module enhance user profile database which make Marketers/Advertisers to push their advertisement right profiles.
  • Rate Card modules controls the cost of the campaign and calculates the revenue generated based on views and clicks
  • User browsing behavior engine can be used by advertisers to personalize and fine-tune location-based push ads and SMS for higher sales returns.
  • Interactive dashboards makes non-technical user with the ability to access data and build business intelligence reports and analytics which display top device type, OS, Manufacturer, Browser, Websites, Age Group, Category, Gender and Nationality.


  • Real time and historical reports give the details of most view, clicked campaign, top revenue generated by campaign, survey based reports, monthly revenue generated.
  • Single point to collect statistics and aggregate metrics.
  • Search and analyze data quickly from archive.
  • Standard reports for most common use cases.
  • Satisfy regulatory requirements by archiving massive amounts of data in an enormously scalable database.
  • Web Admin runs on Mobile Devices. Dashboards can be viewed on-the-go from mobile devices such as Android, iPad and iPhone.


Process Flow

The diagram shows how the iLAS works in conjunction with the Wi-Fi Landing Page to enable location based content delivery in a municipal wireless deployment.

The different wireless broadband zones covering the Business District and Shopping Mall each have a unique VLAN ID. This is the location based network information required.


Advertisers will login to the iLAS to upload and manage their marketing content, creating campaigns, SMS campaign and categorizing content by location and user demographics.

The iLAS also checks if there are ongoing campaigns that are relevant to the current user and retrieves the content if necessary.

When a user connects to the Wi-Fi network, the iLAS push the advertisement banner or SMS based on location and customer profile and authorize access to the network.

The iLAS then pushes the content to user with the advertising content embedded in the webpage presented to the user after being successfully authenticated and authorized.

The iLAS cross-references the content request against its database of location and user profiles that are created by the advertisers when the login to manage their accounts.

iLAS push survey created on the location or based on customer demographics before login page.


  • 1Role Management
  • 2Audit Logs
  • 3 Rate Card Management
  • 4Accounts Management
  • 5Profiling Engine
  • 6Survey Management
  • 7Category Management
  • 8Banner Engine
  • 9SMS Engine
  • 10Location Management
  • 11Analytical Engine
  • 12Advertiser Management
  • 13Campaign Management
  • 14Customer Management

iLAS Advantages

  • Easy to Manage Just create campaign, apply targeting, location, categories, dates and restrictions and after a simple moderation process push your campaign/banner in real time. Just a few simple steps and you are ready to publish advertisements.
  • Compatible with any type of device browsers, Networks and Operation systems.
  • Quick and efficient The launch of an advertising campaign takes a single click to reach targeted users.
  • Infrastructure Monetization Providing monetization of existing Wi-Fi networks, we encourage the development of public Wi-Fi networks infrastructure.
  • Advertisers iLAS is a simple panel for launching, managing and analyzing advertising campaigns with accurate targeting. You can choose locations on the map and upload or construct online different advertising formats.
  • Guarantee Guarantee of viewing of your advertising banners by real users in certain locations
  • Powerful Reporting Powerful reporting and analytics of your campaign in real time.
  • Device Capture Vast targeting options like device type, operating system, location and manufacturer of device can make advertiser/customer to create campaign as per their need
  • Better Technology The system is built to make the end users experience a perfect user experience.
  • Affordable pricing Low pricing make iLAS make your system more profitable.
  • Understand Your Visitor Understand your Visitor and mark better decisions as a result.
  • Stay In Touch With Visitor Acquire the real customer’s details which allow you to stay in touch with them by sending SMS or Banners.
  • Raw Reporting Support iLas Raw Reporting will provide marketing more ideas to assist and meet their aims.
  • External System Integration Allow other system to integrate with other system to fetch users details for better understanding of users behavior.
  • Technical Support Any technical issues easily solved over email and phone.
  • Continuous Updates We continuously improve and upgrade the system, and that includes you in the updates so you don’t get left behind.
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